N3 Toll Concession (N3TC) - Managing the N3 Toll Route from Heidelberg, Gauteng to Cedara, KwaZulu-Natal

The N3 Toll Route is considered to be one of the most strategic road links in southern Africa. It conveys large volumes of freight, both imports and exports, vital to the region’s economy.

Apart from being a major transport facility linking South Africa’s inland provinces to the Durban Harbour in KwaZulu Natal, the N3 Toll Route is popular with travellers wishing to access the many holiday destinations from the Route.

N3TC entered into a 30-year concession contract with the South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL) to design, construct, finance, operate and maintain the N3 Toll Route. The agreement will end in 2029.

The N3 Toll Route encompasses a 415km stretch of road, between the Heidelberg South interchange in Gauteng and the Cedara interchange in KwaZulu-Natal. This section of the N3 Toll Route traverses four of South Africa’s provinces – Gauteng, Free State, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu-Natal.

Having established a sound engineering and financial platform, N3TC continues to refine and expand its service offering to address customer needs - safety, convenience and mobility.

Safety - the ability to travel on a world class road, with engineering, education and enforcement forming the pillars of its drive towards a safer N3.

Convenience - the ease with which N3Tc’s customer, the road user, be it the business traveller, the recreational traveller or the commercial haulier, travels along the N3.

Mobility - where traffic congestion, construction delays and accident delays are minimised and throughput at the Toll Plazas is maximised.


A dedicated N3TC Route Services team forms an essential part of the company’s efforts to keep the Route safe and traffic flowing. From the moment road users enter the N3 Toll Route, they can travel comfortably knowing that the Route Services team is out on the N3 Toll Route and ready to assist them should they require help; be it a breakdown, crash or obstruction.

Six highly visible and well-marked Route Patrol vehicles patrol the N3 Toll Route round-the-clock and are manned by dedicated, committed and trustworthy patrollers. The patrollers in turn are backed by qualified Senior Incident Managers with specialised emergency management skills – from securing accident scenes to basic firefighting.

All Route Patrol vehicles are fitted with emergency equipment and limited medical supplies to deal with any possible incident they may come across on the road, as first responders.

The Route Services team forms part of the Road Incident Management System (RIMS) and works in conjunction with all other emergency services on the N3 Toll Route. They all link into the central N3TC Route Control Centre (RCC) based in Harrismith.


The N3TC team is always on standby to help you plan your trip, get assistance during emergencies or provide general information to help you avoid unexpected problems on your journey.

Contact the 24-hour N3TC Customer Careline

0800 63 4357 (0800 N3 HELP)



Stay in touch and follow on Twitter: @N3Route

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